New Hertiage Website Launched Celebrating Our 150th Anniversary
In 2024, W.H.Tildesley Ltd celebrates its 150th Anniversary. In preparation for this monumental milestone, we have spent the last two years working with expert archivists and researchers who have compiled, digitised, and preserved our comprehensive and previously untold history.
We are proud to share this with the world via our new dedicated heritage website
Learn how we became a cornerstone of British industry, producing pressed and forged components for many early and now iconic automobile, motorcycle, and airplane manufacturers such as Ford, Lagonda, Aston Martin, AJS, Matchless, Royal Enfield, Triumph, Blackburn and Bristol.
Our extensive records hold original customer records and ledgers dating back to the late 1800s and original forging production drawings dating as far back as 1918. Much of this is now online, compiled into individual customer records with original illustrations, part numbers, and descriptions for the community to view.
During World War II, Horace William Tildesley was home running the family business, forging components for the legendary Spitfire and its Rolls Royce V12 Griffon and Merlin engines. At the same time, Horace's son Colonel David Tildesley was away fighting for his country and became a war hero, earning two Military Crosses.
Tribute To A Brave War Hero - Colonel David Henry Tildesley
Our Heritage Division is dedicated to working with vintage enthusiasts, restorers, and preservers to assist with replicating and producing new forged components for vintage applications and vehicles. Many of our modern successes are shared on our blog/news page along with unique original finds from our archive.
View Our Heritage Blog & News Stories
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