
celebrating 143 years

Military & Fighting Vehicles

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Call us now on
+44 (0)1902 366 440

Email your enquiry to sales@whtildesley.com

A full list of contacts can be found on the contact page

Military fighting & defence vehicles demand drop forged components that can provide reliability, strength, and resilience in the field.

By utilising years of experience, in the production of forged and machined components, W.H.Tildesley has the capability to supply quality forged components that are used in many military and fighting vehicles that are deployed all over the globe.

WHT also has a comprehensive tool stock to produce components to MOD specification, often found with the FV part and drawing number reference.

Many of the components used in the industry can be forged in a range of ferrous and non-ferrous materials. Standard carbon & alloys steels, stainless, duplex, non-ferrous, and superalloys.

We are a diverse forging company that strives to meet the standard and bespoke requirements of the customer.

Examples of Military & Defence Vehicle Components

  • Stub Axles
  • Wishbones
  • Suspension Arms
  • Suspension Links
  • Suspension Mounts
  • Uprights
  • Steering Arms
  • Recovery Shackles
  • Towing Components
  • Con Rods
  • Inlet & Exhaust Rockers
  • Crankshafts
  • Tappet Levers
  • Selector Forks
  • Track Rod Ends
  • Brake Calliper Forgings
  • Engine Mounts
  • Swivel Axles

Certifications & Approvals

quality approvals wh tildesley

W.H.Tildesley is committed to ensuring that the products services we provide consistently meet the needs and expectations of our customers.