
celebrating 143 years

Valve Bonnet Forgings

Get in touch

Call us now on
+44 (0)1902 366 440

Email your enquiry to sales@whtildesley.com

A full list of contacts can be found on the contact page

A leading UK manufacturer supplying valve bonnet forgings to the petrochemical industry

W.H.Tildesley has the capability to produce valve bonnet forgings in a range of ferrous and non-ferrous materials. Standard carbon & alloy steels, stainless, duplex, non-ferrous, and superalloys.

We are a diverse forging company that strives to meet the standard and bespoke requirements of the customer.

Please contact us today to discuss your requirements for forged flanges.

Valve Bonnet Forgings from W.H.Tildesley

  • Up to 75KG Net Weight
  • No Minimum Batch Quantity
  • As Forged or Proof Machined

Certifications & Approvals

quality approvals wh tildesley

W.H.Tildesley is committed to ensuring that the products and services we provide consistently meet the needs and expectations of our customers.